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Si�ge social de la FIECE
347, route de Labastide
40700 Hagetmau (France)

[email protected]



Association enregistr�e �
la  Pr�fecture des Landes  (France)
N� W402003234
Journal officiel
du 23 juin 2012

 Siret :
752 518 860 00016

Copyright � 2005-2015  



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Federation of the Evangelical Christian Churches
Something to know before a church could adhere to FECE

To join it is necessary that the church agrees with no reservation:

- with the Vision as it is expressed in the site of the FECE

- and with the status of the FECE

Some extra details:

Respect for every call

The main characteristics of our federation is the respect for the vision that the Lord has given to each of his or her servants.

Of course, the vision as it is expressed in the site is the common background for each member, that's why we are inviting you to read it carefully. But we understand at the same time that the Lord wants to put His finger on distinctive features in each church and ministery (of course these features cannot go against his Word) and for us we cannot do a copy-and-paste from a church to another one. Each work is independent as for the form of its worship, financially and legally independent, but every one is united inside FECE for a more efficient action and a clear representativeness outside...

The main characteristics that are specific to our federation are:

that we don't believe that the existence of the names of the churches are the true reflect of God's will, because we believe that when the Lord calls somebody to ministry, He gives him or her a specific vision to his or her call. He takes notice of our personnality, He takes notice of the local neeeds. So doing copy-and-pastes from each local church in order they all look alike appears as it doesn't make any sense to us and something that prevents the Holy Spirit from expressing Himself entirely. Therefore each church keeps its autonomy (except for the main issues of doctrine summed up in this vision).


bullet We are against the liberal trend.

We are totally against the liberal trend which denies God's authority and doubts the authority of His Word, the Bible.

bullet We are against the ecumenical trend.

Fot the same reason, we are against ecumenicalism which in least case reduces the Word of God as it levels down rather than making (it) higher, but in the worst case (as it is at the present time) leads to apostasy in mixing unacceptable teachings for they are opposed to the Word. For example when some of them asserts that they are several ways to salvation outside Jesus. We refuse, according to God's Word, to sit down to discuss these points with such people. Of course, we respect every people as people and we are praying that the Lord could light their ways.

bullet We are opposed to the pseudo-gospel so called 'gospel of wealth'

We believe that God blesses His faithful people. His blessing is definite but doesn't imply in any case the idea of prosperity as it is taught in some churches. The so-called gospel of wealth is a deceit which is often linked with personal financial interests. We are denouncing this as a drifting and the churches who preach this doctrine have no place in FECE.

bullet However, we put emphasis on sanctification

We believe that Jesus-Christ is coming back soon and we believe that it is high time to teach and to work to sanctification in the churches and in each of our lives.


We have chosen to work together to proclaim the truth of the gospel, but also to thwart driftings which are sweeping over churches.

On our site, you 'll be able to find our aired vision and a lot of information which denounce these driftings and warn the people of God.

What you can expect from us

1/ A federation of churches and servants of God which are very united, and motivated to serve the Lord, which are motivated also to pray in for one another in the same vision.

2/ the credibility that gives an international group which are known and present at the moment in 31 countries, representated by more than 800 regular ministries.

3/ The visibility of your church and of your ministry, on a site that is updated daily and which registers about 500 visits every day (if we refer to May, 2012).

What we expect from you

1/ Your involvement in stressing the vision of FECE and in your country and outside if your 've got connections in other countries.

2/ Your interest in causing other reliable churches and pastors to enter FECE only if they share the same vision.

3/ Your involvement to join forces with us against various driftings through a sanctified teaching and life, hence a witness to the glory of God.

In conclusion:

If you wish to cause your church to adhere, provided that you could accept with no reservation what has preceded in this letter, please send an e-mail to and you'll receive an application form to adhere to FECE, which will enable us to consider if your request is entitled to proceed.