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Si�ge social de la FIECE
347, route de Labastide
40700 Hagetmau (France)

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Association enregistr�e �
la  Pr�fecture des Landes  (France)
N� W402003234
Journal officiel
du 23 juin 2012

 Siret :
752 518 860 00016

Copyright � 2005-2015  



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40 member churches FECE
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    We travelled 1200 kilometres for 12 days. Each day we logged 100 Kilometers.

     We used the micro phone and shouted John 4.14 loudly,� whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life�. 

    The people asked what water will not bring thirst, please give us some? We ordered a tanker of water paid the cost and first distributed water. Then asked the crowed to sit and hear this wonderful message. About 200 people heard the Gospel message and  110 were saved. We started a Church and promised to dig a tube well.  We travelled to another village which was badly affected with mosquito fever; held a medical camp; treated 89 people and 71 were saved after hearing the Gospel message.

    Next day we saw a Hindu festival with more than 10,000 people. We distributed 10,000 Gospel tracts and the priest opposed us showing a big sword and challenged us if we did ministry there he would kill us. We prayed for Him and waited. He saw our medical missionary with a medical kit and asked for medicine  for his wife who had  severe diarrhea. Our Dr. gave her medication and in 2 hours she felt fine. He and his entire family accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour. The next day he asked us to preach the Gospel  in the festival. After we strongly preached the Salvation message, more than 1000 people responded to the Gospel. We immediately need to send a missionary there. A brother is trained by us and ready to serve there.

    Thus all together we recorded more than 800 Salvations;  treated 400 people; distributed 10,000 Gospel tracts; dug 1 tube well;  paid for 1 tanker of water; gave clothes and food to 221 Children and sick people in the villages where we stayed. This is how we utilized your sacrificial gifts and offering in the month of April. 

May 2014 Mission.
        Vacation Bible SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN- May 2014.

We did not take a mission trip in the month of May as we had VBS and I travelled 15 days in France.( I am repeating VBS Report to you).

    On May 1 to May 10th, we had Vacation Bible School.

This is a great ministry with a objective to invite the neighbourhood Children in our Main Church and all our 40 Church stations located in rural villages. We enrolled 1980 Children and 1989 Children attended. 50% of the Children Came from Hindu non Christian families. This year we extended the Vacation Bible School from 1 week to 10 days. We put 10 to 15 Children in a class with a teacher. The teacher was trained for 3 days before the VBS to  teach the Children  Bible Stories,  Gospel songs and love for each other. VBS was daily from 10 AM to 4 PM with a meal at noon. On the last day we included a procession and a special meal with a white set of clothes for the Children. This year 910 non Christian Children accepted Jesus Christ as personal saviour in our Churches in different locations. On the 10th day, the children  separated from one another over many tears. This ministry is a very special ministry in India. It brings many people into the Church as we show the love of Christ to the Children with food, clothes and the Gospel. Thank you for taking part in this noble ministry with your generous and kind donations. We have never had opposition to this kind of ministry. I am presenting some photos from our main Church.

 Shouting hallelujah & Jesus saves  in a loud speaker in front of the procession.

 A Small Group of Children with VBS teacher. 

 A VBS teacher with 5 Children 

 Children seated on the floor eating happily- my father looks after it.


 After Procession Children entering into Church Campus, I am in the photo.

 We preached the Gospel to the tribes where 121 people were saved. Normally it is a �bad place� where the Gospel preaching is not allowed. The belief is that the death of an elephant will bring a curse to that village. So with their permission, we explained that Jesus died and broke all the cruses and they were so happy to hear this message.

 In July, we had a massive Gospel � preaching plus a medical Camp in a 10 day festival. 200,000 Gospel tracts were given out.   These tracts were sponsored by our supporters in Finland.  

Photo Printing 1 Million Gospel tracts


Hindu Gatherings

   We thank all our supporters for your faithful support. We are using 100% of the funds for the following: to win souls, take the Gospel message to the unreached parts of India and neighbouring countries,  sending a trained native missionary to serve as a missionary and plant a Church.

    We are very pleased to hear your encouraging words and support as per the leading of God to continue this Gospel ministry to win souls for Christ. 

    Yours in Christ's mission.