
Actuellement la FECE est pr�sente dans 50 Pays/Etats


Plan du site 

Si�ge social de la FIECE
347, route de Labastide
40700 Hagetmau (France)

[email protected]



Association enregistr�e � la  Pr�fecture des Landes  (France)
N� W402003234
Journal officiel
du 23 juin 2012

 Siret :
752 518 860 00016

Copyright � 2005-2018 



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Welcome English speaking visitors



Our VisionStatutesSomething before


Federation of Evangelical Christian  Churches is present in the following English-speaking countries and in 50 countries around the world



Angola Ghana



Mozambique Nigeria Pakistan Rwanda

South Africa

South Sudan Tanzania
Turks & Caicos
Uganda USA Zambia  

more informations click here