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Si�ge social de la FIECE 347, route de Labastide 40700 Hagetmau (France) [email protected]
Association enregistr�e � la Pr�fecture des Landes (France) N� W402003234 Journal officiel du 23 juin 2012
Siret : 752 518 860 00016
Copyright � 2005-2015
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Federation of the Evangelical Christian Churches
Member churches (rankings by city and abbreviated name of the church)
Member works
Christian farmers fellowship Uganda is working with poor farmers for the same and to promote education for vanalables
Kahungu Herbert - Evang�list Bunga Kampala 779 858 421 [email protected]
New Projects
Nehemiah Bible Institute International-Uganda (operational in early July 2012) For the formation of ministries and church leaders, members or other FECE
Regional conventions in Uganda
F�vrier 2012
Rencontres des responsables FECE de la r�gion Afrique de l'Est avec le Pasteur Meyong Ndong vice-pr�sident international.
Premi�re assembl�e g�n�rale de la FECE-Uganda
23 serviteurs de Dieu se sont rencontr�s le 2 d�cembre 2011 � l'Eglise "World Savers Church International"