Fédération des Eglises Chrétiennes Evangéliques  -  FECE
 Pour proclamer l'Evangile de Jésus-Christ sans compromis 


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Federation of the Evangelical Christian Churches



§ 1 - Under name “Fédération des Eglises Chrétiennes Evangéliques” (Federation of the Evangelical Christian Churches), it is formed between the religious associations which will have stuck to the present statutes, constituted in compliance of legal French and regulation measures, notably laws of December 9th, 1905 and July 1st, 1901, and decrees of March 16th, 1906 (title III) and of August 16th, 1901, an union of associations the object of which is to assure the public exercise of the protestant worship of evangelical expression and to endow in expenses and needs of this last, as well as various services and activities, which are legally linked to it. By promoting, particularly, Christian creed, assuring the federation’s interests representation and defense. 


§ 2 - The international Head office is located at:

Fédération des Eglises Chrétiennes Evangéliques 1665, route de Carpentras 84170 Monteux – France

He will be able to be transferred at the instigation of the Council of the Federation elsewhere, ratified by General meeting.

§ 3 - The length of the Federation is limitless. The fiscal financial year is fixed next from October 1st till September 30th. 

§ 4 - His district understands France and the overseas territories.  She can equally establish relations of partnership with Federations and Churches which are not integrated. 


§ 5 - The Federation is constituted:

- From religious associations proclaiming the Gospel. The Federation watches to assure their growth, as well as multiplication and development of the religious associations respecting their various expressions.

- Of ministers in retirement. These can ask their admission as members with individual title. In recognition of the ministry which they fulfilled and at the instigation of the general Office can accept them as such.  


§ 6 - To be part of the Federation, the request of membership must be formulated:

· By a legally constituted association (association law 1905 for France), or a pastor in retirement,

· sticking to the present statutes, to the confession of creed and to the internal regulations (see additional documents),

· And according to the procedure which follows: 

a) The Council of the church or community or the retiring pastor puts a request written to the president of the Federation who names a delegate having mission to visit the applicant for maintenance of recognition. If the opinion of the delegate is favorable the President transmits request in the Council of the Federation. 

b) After favorable recommendation of the Council of the Federation, the church having asked its membership is introduced in the General meeting of the Federation. 

c) It is the only General meeting with authority to agree or reject the request of membership. Associations accepted by favorable vote during General meeting are her in "grading" title first, for period not exceeding two years. After what a new vote confirms final admission or rejection. 

d) Associations participating in the foundation of the Federation are not subjected to grading period.

e) The well-known associations of the Federation, asking their membership can unusually be accepted without grading period on the condition of finding the unanimity of General meeting.

f) The pastors of the retiring Federation, if they are accepted as individual members are him without grading period. 

§ 7 - The close-fitting associations including those accepted in title grading, promise to participate in form of annual contribution sum of which is initially fixed to ……. a month, to the overheads of the Federation. The "individual" members are exempted from contribution. Every close-fitting association must endow by her even in its expenses and/or expenses of worship. 

§ 8 - Cease being part of the Federation without their departure being able to put an end to the existence of the Federation: 

1/ Associations or individual members having given their resignation by registered letter with defendant reception, addressed to the president de la Federation by virtue of a deliberation of their Council. 

2/ The close-fitting associations which, during two successive years, will have failed to their statuary contribution, and to participate in the General meetings of the Federation, will be removed after having been required - by registered letter with defendant reception - to conform to statutes, after a notice of three months. 

3/ -Be able to be removed:                                                                                                

a)      The close-fitting associations or individual members who would have missed in obligations imposed by the present statutes, confession of creed and internal regulations, and it, after a demand by registered letter addressed to the president of the said association and the ineffectual simpleton.

b) The close-fitting associations which, either by a modification of their statutes, or by their activities, would not be any more in conditions demanded by the present statutes to be part of the Federation.

c) The close-fitting associations which, by their activities, would have door attained in honor or in consideration of the Federation.

d) Expulsion cannot to be pronounced only by General meeting, in the absolute majority of the present members and represented (representing the half at least more one of the close-fitting associations to the Federation).The association one of which asks for expulsion must be called in the person of his president, by registered letter, fourteen days beforehand. If the called president did not come, either by himself, or by a deputy to formulate his explanation, expulsion will have to be notified to him by registered letter. 

§ 9 - The close-fitting associations are responsible under no circumstances for commitments contracted by the Federation personally, all the means of the Federation answers alone it. 


§ 10 - The means of the Federation are made up: 

a) Statuary contribution and offertories volunteers of churches members, to endow at the expense of worship (title IV) and other recipes envisaged by the law of December 9th, 1905. 

b) Of the product of collections and search made by his care and intended for common actions.

c) Allowed subventions.

d) Donations, donations and inheritance allowed by law.

e) Interests and incomes of property and stocks belonging to the Federation. 


§ 11 - The management of all its business (worship, budget, building, various writings) relay of the only competence, responsibility and authority of the federated association. She can, however, participate according to her firm belief and the measure of her means in writings, actions promoted and recommended by the Federation as part of her objectives (evangelization, education, biblical training, and preparation in the ministry...)

It is apparently heard that the Federation will not be possessing of these writings. 


§ 12 - The Board of directors of the Federation is authorized, in a worry of unit and fraternal collaboration between churches, to solicit and to name among ministries known and acknowledged in other names not members of the present federation, of members watchers who will be able to participate in jobs of the Council of Commissions, of Departments and General meeting with advisory voice, their number that can not exceed a third among the members of the Council of the Federation. 



§ 13 - The Federation is managed by a Board of directors composed of four members at least and eight members in most.

The members of the Council of administration are elected for 3 years and eligible by third every year to assure the continuity necessary for functioning and for administration of the Federation.

The first members elected Council will have therefore a shorter first term. They will be able to imagine. They will be indicated either by printing in fate, or by voluntary service.

Elections in the Directorate and in the Office of the Federation take place in secret newsletter. The president will be able to be elected for no more than two successive mandates.  

§ 14 - The Directorate elects among its members its Office which can understand:  

· A president,
· One or several vice-presidents,
· A general secretary and possibly an assistant secretary,
· A general treasurer and possibly an additional treasurer,
· One or several members’ assessors.

The Directorate meets at least once a year. Decisions are made with a majority of the present members and represent. In case of tied vote, the voice of the president is preponderant.

The Advice of administration has the most sprawling powers, to assure the functioning of the Federation and the chase of its objects, according to the terms of law.

The Council of the Federation creates with the help of the General meeting of the Federation, any Commissions and Departments necessary for the good functioning of the Federation in every field where it is obvious to meet needs of close-fitting associations: juridical, fiscal and instructive, biblical, theological education, adult continuing education and preparation in the ministry, regional, national functioning, relation between churches, ethics..

It names and establishes the representatives for these Commissions and Departments and fixes their fields of activities and their power.

1st Board of directors works out the internal regulations and introduces it in the amenity of General Meeting, alone authorized to change it, then to adopt it.


§ 15 - The President calls and chairs General meetings, meetings of the Directorate, and of commissions or departments. It represents the Federation in all acts of civil life and is invested with any powers with this effect. He can delegate them to such member of the Council of Administration. It has quality as ester in justice in the name of the Federation, both in request and in defense, to form any calls and to sign any powers. He can also delegate the presidency of Commissions and Departments of the Federation.

Nevertheless, to compromise and accept arbitration, the president will have to have accepted the approval of the Board of directors beforehand, called at the need with this effect and giving a ruling with a majority of the present members. 

§ 16 - The general secretary is loaded with correspondence and archives. 

§ 17 - The treasurer is loaded with all that concerns the management of the property of the Federation. He can fulfill no act of disposition without having acquired the prior approval of the Board of directors giving a ruling with a majority of the present members.

It has power to open any bank or mail accounts in the name of the Federation, put there and withdraw any funds under its only responsibility there. 

§ 18 - The Board of directors is invested with the most sprawling powers to make or allow any acts necessary for the good functioning of the Federation.

Alone expenses of displacements concerning advice of the federation and meetings with other organisms partners are covered by the Federation. 


§ 19 - The General meeting of the Federation is made up:

a) Delegates of the religious associations (law 1905) followers. They are indicated by the Council of every association, but every association has only a voice during polls. It is the Council of the religious associations that indicates the person authorized to express vote.

b) The councilmen of the Federation are delegated without consultation by their association.

c) In the absence of delegates, a church member can give power of attorney to another member; no member can detain more half of voices of General meeting.

d) Every individual member has a right to vote, safe if he is already delegated of a church member. He cannot hold concurrently these rights. 

§ 20 - General meeting must be called at least fourteen days beforehand. His office is that of the Board of directors.

Ordinary General meeting inquires about the good step of the work of God, approves the count of every financial year. It elects the members of the Council in the absolute majority of the present or represented members of the Association. It discusses all questions carried in Agenda by the Board of directors. 

If due to decease, resignation or any obstacle, the number of members of the Council of Administration came to fall under four, it is up to the Council of the Federation to endow in replacement (by co-option) persons who has resigned or died up to the next General meeting.

General meeting meets at least on convocation of the head of government of Administration or if required written by quarter of the religious associations members, addressed once a year. So that a General meeting can legitimately deliberate, it is necessary that the half at least his members is present or represented by written, signed and dated powers. When this quorum is not attained, a new convocation is obvious with indication of the reason which requires it and deliberation will be then valid whatever the number of present and represented delegates is. 

§ 21 - It is kept by the secretary a register of deliberation of General meeting, initialed by the president. 


§ 22 - The modification of statutes can be decided only by an Extraordinary General meeting called with this effect at least fourteen days beforehand. So that the modification of statutes can legitimately be decided:

a) An Extraordinary General meeting must be called at least 15 days beforehand

b) One or several offered modifications of statutes must be announced every member (religious association) at the same time as convocation,

c) That it is adopted in the majority (the gifts and represented) everything as for Ordinary General meeting. The same quorum and convocation could be needed if necessary.

d) Nothing opposes to the fact that an extraordinary General meeting precedes or succeeds an ordinary General meeting, provided that it is called as it is said above. 


§ 23 - The dissolution of the Federation can be decided only by an Extraordinary General meeting called especially with this effect, at least fourteen days beforehand.

So that this Extraordinary General meeting can legitimately deliberate, it is necessary that 2/3 at least his members are really present or represented to be able dated and signed, so as to decide on his dissolution. 

In case of dissolution, Extraordinary General meeting names a liquidator whom, if need be, devolved the assets of the Federation, in accordance with the article 9 of the law of July 1st, 1901 in an Association or Federation following the same purposes listed in the article 2 of the present statutes. 

§ 24 - In case Extraordinary General meeting called with intent to change statutes or dissolve the Federation would not unite the quorum requested top, a new Extraordinary General meeting will be called in the same forms and the same delays, but she will legitimately be able to deliberate with a majority of the two thirds of the members gift and represented whatever is their number.